New Users!  Please Review Important Documentation.
Important Note:  You have been granted limited access for 60 minutes. The system will not save your plans and reports.
You can signup and request access of the system for a longer period of time.

We use a systematic approach to help you develop a high level strategic plan be using the following advisors.

  • Country Initializer: Create and initialize profile of the country (government) of interest.
  • Service Initializer: Create and initialize profile of the service of interest.
  • Plan Generator: Develop a high level strategic plan for service providers as well as service consumers.
  • Detailed Planner: Develop a detailed level plan be using wide range of possible tools.
  • Monitorig and Control: Develope a Project Plan for implementation phase.

My Scenarios/Projects

This is the Central Screen which helps you go through the interview. A "Scenario" or "Project" will Contain all the Interview Results generated by individual Phases.

There is no Scenario! Please create one.
New Scenario/Project

"The Strategic Planner has been designed and developed by NGE Solutions Team under the supervision of Dr. Amjad Umar"